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NightDriveSafaris specialises in organising small group, guided tours with the best night drives across South Africa.

Embark on a remarkable adventure by joining one of our night drive safari tours in South Africa. Book your tour and immerse yourself in the thrilling experience of exploring the wilderness after sunset.
wild animal


To provide our guests with a unique South African safari experience. To explore and share an extraordinary journey with rewarding sightings of rare and elusive species. To create awareness and learn

about a variety of interesting species while conducting safe

and ethical night drive safaris.

Some of the captivating species that we concentrate on include,
but are not limited to:

Key details for your night drive safari tour include:

    1. The perfect locations through our research and experience: From a variety of national parks and private game reserves in South Africa, come and explore all the hidden gems with us.
    2. Enjoy the luxury of our 4x4 SUV in between destinations and guided 4x4 adventures at our selected destinations.
    3. Guided Excursions: Guided night drives by experienced rangers and trackers who will enhance your experience by identifying and explaining the behaviour of nocturnal wildlife.
    4. Essential Equipment: Warm clothing for cooler night temperatures, binoculars and a flashlight to observe wildlife.
    5. Secure Your Spot: NightDriveSafaris have limited availability. It is recommended to book your tour in advance for this unique small group adventure.
    6. Encounter Diverse Wildlife: Prepare to witness the wonders of the night, including aardvark, aardwolf, bat-eared fox, porcupine, black-footed cat, lion, brown hyena, spotted hyena, genets, owls, and various species of nightjars.
    7. Accommodation: Accommodation at lodges within game reserves that include night safaris as part of their comprehensive packages.


To provide our guests with a unique South African safari experience. To explore and share an extraordinary journey with rewarding sightings of rare and elusive species. To create awareness and learn

about a variety of interesting species while conducting safe

and ethical night drive safaris.

Some of the captivating species that we concentrate on include,
but are not limited to:


Aardvarks are fascinating creatures! They're nocturnal mammals native to Africa, with long snouts used for sniffing out their favourite food —ants and termites. Despite their odd appearance, they're quite skilled diggers and spend much of their time underground in burrows. Aardvarks are solitary animals and are rarely seen in groups, except when a mother is caring for her young. Their unique features and habits make them a captivating part of the animal kingdom!


It's a small, insect-eating mammal native to East Africa. Despite its name, which means "earth wolf" in Afrikaans, it's actually not a wolf at all, but rather a member of the hyena family. Unlike its larger relatives, aardwolves primarily feed on insects, especially termites, using their long, sticky tongues to lap them up. They're nocturnal creatures, spending most of their time underground in burrows during the day and emerging at night to hunt. Their unique adaptations make them well-suited to their specialised diet and habitat.

African wildcat


A small wildcat species native to Africa and the 
Middle East. It's believed to be the ancestor of the domestic cat. African wildcats have a similar appearance to domestic cats, with a slender body, pointed ears, and a short coat typically coloured sandy brown with faint stripes. They are solitary and mostly nocturnal animals, preying on small mammals, birds, and insects. 


It gets its name from its distinctive large ears, which resemble those of a bat. These ears serve several purposes, including thermoregulation and aiding in detecting prey underground. These small carnivores are highly social animals, living in family groups consisting of a monogamous pair and their offspring. They are primarily nocturnal, spending the day resting in burrows that they dig themselves or take over from other animals.

bat-eared fox
brown hyena


A species of hyena native to southern Africa. It's one of the rarest large carnivores on the continent. Unlike its more well-known relatives, the spotted hyena and the striped hyena, the brown hyena has a shaggier coat, with a brown or greyish coloration that can vary in intensity. It has distinctive rounded ears and a sloping back.


A wild pig species found in various habitats across sub-Saharan Africa. They are known for their robust build, elongated snout, and distinctive facial warts. Bushpigs have a bristly coat that can vary in color from reddish-brown to grey, with lighter underparts. These pigs are primarily nocturnal, spending the daytime hours resting in dense vegetation or wallowing in mud to keep cool and remove parasites. 
Cape fox


The Silver-backed Fox, a small carnivorous mammal native to southern Africa, including the Cape Town region, is primarily nocturnal, resting in burrows during the day to escape heat. Known for intricate social behaviours, they live in small family groups with a breeding pair and offspring. Despite threats from habitat loss and hunting, their adaptable nature and wide distribution in southern Africa prevent them from being considered endangered.


Also known as the African Lynx or Desert Lynx, is a medium-sized wild cat native to various regions in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Central Asia. Encountering a Caracal during a safari is a remarkable experience, especially for wildlife enthusiasts interested in observing the behaviours of lesser-known big cat species.
small & large spotted genet


The genet, a sleek and agile carnivore resembling a cat, is native to Africa and parts of Europe. Active mainly at night, it belongs to the Viverridae family, alongside civets and linsangs. The small spotted genet, known for its slender body and beautiful coat adorned with small spots, utilises its long, bushy tail for balance in its arboreal habitat.


Large carnivorous mammals belonging to the Felidae family. They are known for their distinctive appearance, including their golden-yellow fur, muscular build, and majestic mane in males. Lions are apex predators and are among the most iconic animals in the world.


South Africa is home to several species of nightjars. These birds are primarily nocturnal and have cryptic plumage that helps them blend into their surroundings during the day. Here are some of the species of nightjars found in South Africa:
Fiery-necked Nightjar, Square-tailed Nightjar,
Rufous-cheeked Nightjar, Freckled Nightjar,
European Nightjar.


The nocturnal porcupine, covered in quills, is a captivating and often shy species. Contrary to misconception, they cannot shoot their quills but release them easily upon contact. Porcupines, herbivores, primarily feed on leaves, twigs, and green plants. Found in diverse habitats across the Americas, Africa, and parts of Asia, these generally shy and solitary animals possess a prickly appearance.
spotted hyena


A large carnivorous mammal native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of the most well-known and distinctive members of the hyena family, characterised by its sandy-coloured coat covered in dark spots, powerful build, and prominent sloping back.


 A small wild cat species native to southern Africa, including parts of Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa. Encountering the Black-footed Cat in its natural habitat is a rare and special experience due to its small size, nocturnal habits, and limited distribution. For safari enthusiasts, especially those interested in the lesser-known and elusive species, the Black-footed Cat is a highly sought-after sighting during night safaris in the regions where it resides.
black-footed cat


South Africa is home to a diverse range of owl species, each with its own unique characteristics and habitats. Some of the owl species found in South Africa include: African Grass-Owl, Spotted Eagle-Owl, Barn-Owl, African Wood-Owl, Cape Eagle-Owl. Each species plays a unique role in the ecosystem and contributes to the rich biodiversity of the region.


The honey badger, a fearless small carnivorous mammal native to Africa, Southwest Asia, and the Indian subcontinent, is renowned for its tenacity. Despite its small size, it exhibits aggressiveness, taking on much larger animals when threatened, even lions and crocodiles. With thick skin and a tough hide, it's resilient to bites and stings, including those from venomous snakes. Truly a creature known for its indifferent attitude, focused on getting what it wants!
honey badger


The springhare is a fascinating rodent-like mammal native to southern Africa, including South Africa. Springhares have a rabbit-like appearance with long hind legs adapted for jumping, a compact body, and a long tail. They are covered in soft, dense fur, which can vary in color from light brown to greyish-brown, helping them to blend into their surroundings. Springhares are primarily nocturnal, spending their days resting in burrows and becoming active at night. They are solitary animals, only coming together during the breeding season.


 Also known as the African polecat or zorilla, is a small mammal native to Africa. Despite its name, it's not a true member of the skunk family but is instead closely related to weasels and mongooses.These creatures have a striking appearance with black fur and white stripes running along their body, reminiscent of a skunk. They have a reputation for their strong-smelling defensive spray, which they can emit when threatened, similar to skunks. However, unlike skunks, they don't have the ability to control the direction of their spray as precisely.
striped polecat
South African hedgehog


Also known as the Southern African hedgehog, is a species of hedgehog native to southern Africa, particularly found in countries like South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. They are small, nocturnal mammals. South African hedgehogs typically have a stout body covered in sharp spines, which they use for defence against predators. They primarily feed on insects, small vertebrates, fruits, and occasionally eggs. These hedgehogs are solitary creatures and are most active during the night, spending their days in hidden burrows or nests made from leaves and grass.